Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Going Home! After 3 years!
This is one good thing that I decided to do when I am in India. Everyday I will update my blog so that you can keep up with my Indian visit.
Right now I am packing my bags so that we can move to Oberhausen. On Sunday, I have a flight from Frankfurt Am Main and I will reach India on Monday (3rd Oct).
I have a lot of stuff to do and hence I will keep it short and direct. I would of course use slangs that only me and you can understand, this is not a public blog, its just for you and me.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Time to pretrend
Any time when some one goes through a rough patch, we always say that "Every thing is gonna be alright ... ." But when the same shit happens with us ... we look up to some one else to say the exact same words ...
Does that make sense to you ???
Why does human nature feel diminished everytime u have a problem ?
Why does human nature feel the urge to get support from a fellow human ?
Why does human nature unforesee the circumstances everytime it is blinded by the haze thats caused in the minds ???
Every person must know one thing and one thing only ...
What is ur final objective and what needs to be done to achieve it. Whatever happens between now and the opportune moment is immaterial unless and until the goal is realised.
If u feel jealous and sad about some one scoring better grades than u or getting a better raise than u ... then u have to understand one thing. Whatever he/she does, is immaterial. You are a different person than him/her. If they get a bigger promotion or a better score, it has got nothing to do with you. So let it be. Look at ur final goal. Do what needs to be done. And accomplish it.
End of line. If you realise this, nothing can stop you.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
The Matrix just got you.
There's a LOT in the Matrix trilogy that is Hindu/Buddhist, and while people maintain that Neo is Christ, the truth is, he isn't. Not necessarily. Mythologically, he follows Christ's footsteps in the last movie, Revolutions, but he also follows the footsteps of Rama and Parashurama. In fact, Neo is implied to be an incarnation of VISHNU himself. Smith is implied to be Shiva, and the Architect is implied to be Brahma. The Oracle is implied to be Kali.
In Revolutions, Rama Kandra (or Ramchandra) meets Neo in limbo, which is the space between the Matrix and the real world. If you think of the Matrix as heaven (which it's supposed to be) then you should understand this parallels Tulsi's Ramayana, where Parashurama meets Rama and Parashurama gives Rama his potency realizing his purpose as an incarnation of Vishnu has come to an end and he goes to the mountains which are between earth and heaven to meditate to the end of his life. In the same way, in Limbo or Mobil avenue, Neo's SIXTH incarnation which is Parashurama really, comes to an end, and Sati, the child of Rama Kandra and Kamala, bids him "Good morning" in other words saying today is a new incarnation. He's entered the 7th incarnation, which is divinity itself. He becomes divine by understanding what Rama has to tell him. Also, Neo tells Rama that he "knows" him. Not just literally but metaphysically as they are the same "soul" like Parashurama and Rama both come from Vishnu.
Throughout the trilogy, Neo acts just like a yogi. In Gnostic Christianity, it is believed Christ was indeed a teacher of Indian metaphysics, and may have studied in India. He tought such things as karma and reincarnation. Christ was regarded as the son of God, which yogis are considered themselves to be. Neo displays various siddhis in Reloaded and Revolutions as well.
The path of Neo begins as thus: in the original, he is merely a man in the Matrix, but ends with him becoming a god in the Matrix. Reloaded shows him as a god in the Matrix but an ordinary man in the real world. In Revolutions is where he truly transcends this and becomes divine in both real world and Matrix.
However, just like it is said that siddhis can sidetrack a yogi from spiritual enlightenment, the same thing happens with Neo in Reloaded. Remember, he thinks he's all powerful now because of his siddhis, and he falls into maya once again, just a different kind though. This time, he fails to realize the REAL world is also maya, and that the machines' influence lies there too. He was sidetracked by his siddhis and became arrogant until finally he falls into a coma and is enlightened once again. Then he transcends the real world and can stop sentinels there too. In each movie, he takes steps to transcend maya and ultimately attain moksha where he reunites with Brahman (not explicitly but it is implicit in the trilogy). Also, while Neo forms a cross at the end of the trilogy he ALSO forms a Lotus which is the flower of Vishnu representing the return of truth (satya) and eternal life or something like that. It's no coincidence that as Neo and Smith merge and "cancel" each other out, a new age is born, marked with the rising of the sun. It is the Golden Age or in Hindu terms Satya Yuga where man and God walk together. At the end of Reloaded, it shows that the Architect is isolated in a white chamber. He's completely cut off from others, but in the end of the Matrix Revolutions, he's seen walking in the fields of the Matrix.
IN reality though, the Matrix trilogy is concerned with the relationship between the Ego and the Self. It is made clear that Smith and Neo are the same. Mythologically this would fit in with Vishnu and Shiva being the same, but also in literal terms, Neo and Smith are part of the same personality, they are just divided. Neo is the Self, and Smith is the Ego, hence the references to the AntiChrist because Ego destroys and infects everyone around him. The Matrix takes place at the near end of Kali Yuga and then ends with the beginning of Satya Yuga. Also when Neo and Smith fight at the end of Revolutions, the Sanskrit chants are heard right out of the upanishads themselves. And there is the song that plays at the end credits of Revolutions as well, called Navras, which is most definitely Hindu.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Metal Wrath

Posers are a breed apart. They want to pose because the believe that it gets them publicity and of course attention. They are basically attention seekers. Doing any thing in excess is insanity. But this holds true for normal people. You face a lot of patches in your life. A phase that is good for an appropriate age and time. A phase of collecting base ball cards. A phase of collecting marbles, shells, coins, stamps...u love it at the moment. And right now when you look back at the memories, all you think is " How stupid of me to do that sort of thing. "
Currently you might be collecting DVD's and VCD's of music u like. Your dad must be saying, "What has gotten into you ?????
Don't you see it???? It's all bullshit....a waste of money !!! "
And you must be thinking what the fuck dude....grow up man. You know what he is saying is true but still you know that everything has an age at which it happens ... and once you are out of that age ... you grow up.
But metal music is contrary to this. You will never hear a metal fan say, "I used to listen to Iron Maiden. Now I am into Paris Hilton." ... once a metal head ... always a metal head.
Heavy metal music is becoming damn popular. Kids growing their hair long, flashing the devil horn sign and playing their air guitars. But not everyone loves it. Critics think that its unsophisticated music for unsophisticated people. And it is sick, repulsive, horrible and dangerous kind of music. But opinions are like assholes ... everyone has one.
Metal music bears a sign that specifies what you worship. It is shown on what band T-shirt you are wearing. It is a symbol of what you represent. What makes metal a culture is the music primarily and the way people dress up. That makes the metal fan. Black is really important, leather is really important. Black represents danger, evil and also freedom. The kids who like metal look like they like metal. Everyone has long hair, everyone has tattoos, every one is in black.
Metal for me is a brotherhood...thats what keeps it alive. We pass it on to our younger brothers and to our friends. This is the way of life for me. I wake up. I got slayer on the stereo. Before I do anything. Some wake up drink coffee. I listen to slayer and testament.I mean it's in your blood. It's the air that you are breathing.
It's a sub-strata of society as it were. What attracts every metal fan to another is the tribal attitude. Lets go to a fest. Lets enjoy our-selves. And the fact that the outside world really doesn't understand is fantastic.
Heavy metal band Black sabbath sung principally about Satan that is something to be scared of. The fans however wanted a satanic band. And eventually commercial pressures meant that Black Sabbath exploited this kind of connection between them and demonic imagery and satanic ideas.
The satanism that you see isn't satanism...it is some kind of character. if you want to look for satanism don't look towards rock and roll, they are just bunch of kids playing guitars and running round the stage. Thats Halloween.

When I first heard the band VENOM, I wasn't thinking Halloween, I thought they were truly satanic and I wasn't the only one. Venom just scared the shit out of me when i first heard it. I actually refused to buy those records because I was scared. It was so extreme. And now of course looking back look how big VENOM got because of it. Its a way for bands to become popular. Extremes always sell. Although venom and early metal bands used satanic verses to shock people, Slayer's lyrics directly attacked Christianity and as a teenage boy how can you not get excited by album titles like "Hell Awaits","Haunting Chapel" and "Reign in blood".
It's as if they earn money out of a belief, out of an aura they create. But this aura is enough for a soul to revert upon from time to time. Because they are a following. Because they are a Cult. Because they are a religion, a belief. Because they are the saviors.
Mumbai Locals.
Before Diwali !!!
And this is after Diwali :